Sunday, May 13, 2007

"I'm so clean...I'm PUCKERED!"

Yeah, that quote is a shout out to my mom and sister because they are the only two people I know who can immediately identify what movie it comes from! (Poor Dad will probably know too, since--living in a house full of women--he was constantly subjected to all kinds of chic flicks...but I won't make him admit to having seen it...about 80 times!) Anyway, just wanted to share one of the many photos we have of Elizabeth at bathtime--one of her favorite activities of the day! And yes...I know...eventually we will have to think about NOT having the baby dry off right next to the knife block! I guess this pretty much answers any inquiries about whether or not we have done any "baby proofing!" Ah, well! ;-)


Anonymous said...

Come ON! EVERYBODY knows THAT movie quote, don't they?!?! (I have to say, I have already taught it to my kids, so they recognized it...)

I'd give it away, but I'd like to see if any of your friends can guess it...

Anonymous said...

OK, I'll admit ignorance. That's a movie quote?


Purple's Mom said...

Well, enough time has passed that I can give away the movie title now. It's from a darling little movie called "Savannah Smiles"...if you haven't seen it, put it on your NetFlix! It is super-cute!