First, she engaged in her daily ritual of removing--one at a time--each book on her bookshelf and transferring them to their rightful positions on her floor.
Then, we went to visit "Auntie Julia"--who, herself, was dressed up as The Fourth of July for Halloween. (Don't ask--it's complicated!)
When we arrived, Elizabeth bolted straight for the stairs and crawled all the way up.
She was pretty proud of herself once she reached the top!
Next, we were off to "Grandma Nancy's" house for a little attention.
And, "Auntie P" stopped by to add her Ooohs and Aaahs as well.
And, finally, we returned home just in time to pass out candy to the trick-or-treaters in the neighborhood.
I'd say we got our money's
worth...wouldn't you?
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