This is her "jumping" into the pool to her swim instructor!
And, if you ask her...she will say, "I was SO BRAVE! I put my WHOLE SELF in!" Which, she did. On the first day. This is Day Eight. Notsomuch with the "whole self in" today...but don't tell HER I said that. ;-)
By the way...yes...I am aware that this is pretty much the ugliest swimming suit known to man! But we were in Target and E saw it and exclaimed, "I need THAT one! Then I can look like a turtle!" ...and looking "like a turtle" is apparently a good thing. Especially when you are swimming! So, I bought it...partly b/c I am a sucker...and partly b/c it was on clearance for $3.48 (gee...wonder WHY!?!) ;-)
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