Thursday, December 20, 2007

Mistletoe and Meltdowns

Lest any of you think that Elizabeth is all smiles 100% of the time ('s more like 98%)...we wanted to share with you this moment in time when posing for the camera became too much for her to bear! Awwww!
Here we were, trying (in vain) to capture an adorable shot of her in her Christmas dress sitting in front of a beautiful poinsettia. (You have to agree that would make a nice Christmas card, right?)

Anyway, she was all too happy to crawl around it... or walk away from it...
but as far as sitting still in front of it--that was just too much to ask, and she finally just let loose and wailed! Ah well...we love her little crying face to pieces!!!

Friday, December 14, 2007

Our Favorite Cupcake! turns out that Elizabeth and I each have a favorite cupcake! Hers is the festive pink-frosted ornament from Dina and Phil that adorns our lovely Christmas tree. And her!

Saturday, December 8, 2007


Last Saturday, we ventured down to San Diego to visit Auntie Sammy and her cool apartment near USD...and we all took a little trip to the World Famous San Diego Zoo!

Elizabeth showed lots of interest in all the animals, and--not surprisingly--referred to each one as a DOG!

Oh--except for the ducks in the pond with the flamingos--which, of course, are DOKs!
(A subtle difference that probably only Mommy and Daddy can distinguish!)

Friday, December 7, 2007

Posing for the Paparazzi!

Oh seems Elizabeth can't go anywhere these days without some crazed paparazzo (er...Mommy?) trying to snap a picture of her!

Here she is jumping into her sports car in front of the Ivy!
(Uh...I mean, Daddy's bookcase)!

Someone needs to tell that girl that it's safer to drive facing forward!

YIKES! Here she is attempting to drive with her
Now that's just wrong, y'all!

Even with those cool shades, you can't escape the madness!
We still recognize you, EK...and this Elizabeth-obsessed photog has no plans of going away!


Here we are on a Fun Family Outing to Costco! Actually, I'm not really sure that it can be considered a real FFO since it didn't end in ice cream...(judges ruling, Jules?) Anyway, Elizabeth loves the people watching that is part of the Costco experience!

Note: Handy keep-the-grody-shopping-cart-germs-off-my-baby "Floppy Seat" provided by cousin Heather! This thing is AWESOME!

Little Giggle Box

Every once in a while, something strikes Elizabeth as ding-dang funny...and she can't stop giggling. Here, she was just lounging on the sofa as Mommy took some pictures.

Then, all of a sudden, something I said (I think it was something witty and clever like "Hey! Smile!") set her off!

And then she just laughed her fool head off!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Family of Elves picture to post today, but if you follow this link it will be worth MORE than 1,000 pictures! I promise, it will make you laugh! Happy Holidays!